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來源:網(wǎng)友投稿 時間:2020-01-29


  Young Adults Who Exercise Get Higher IQ Scores

  Young adults who are fit have a higher IQ and are more __1__ to go on to university, reveals a major new study carried out at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital.

  The results were recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). The study involved 1.2 million Swedish men doing military service who were born between 1950 and 1976. The research group analyzed the __2__ of both physical and IQ tests the youngsters took right after they started serving the army.

  The study shows a clear link __3__ good physical fitness and better results for the IQ test. The strongest links are for __4__ thinking and verbal comprehension. But it is only fitness that plays a __5__ in the results for the IQ test,and not strength. “Being fit means that you also have good heart and lung __6__ and that your brain gets plenty of __7__ ,” says Michael Nilsson, professor at the Sahlgrenska Academy and chief physician at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital. “This may be one of the reasons __8__ we can see a clear link with fitness, but not with muscular __9__. We are also seeing that there are growth factors that are important. ”

  By analyzing data for twins, the researchers have been __10__ to determine that it is primarily environmental factors and not genes that explain the link between fitness and a __11__ IQ.

  “We have also shown that those youngsters who __12__ their physical fitness between the ages of 15 and 18 increase their cognitive performance,” says Maria Aberg, researcher at the Sahlgrenska Academy and physician at Aby health centre. “This being the case6, physical __13__ is a subject that has an important place in schools, and is an absolute must if we want to do well in maths and other theoretical subjects.”

  The researchers have also compared the results from fitness tests __14__ national service with the socio-economic status of the men later in __15__. Those who were fit at 18 were more likely to go into higher education, and many secured more qualified jobs.


  proceedings n.學(xué)報,論文集

  comprehension n.理解

  Swedish adj.瑞典的

  muscular adj.肌肉的


  1. IQ:智商。IQ 是 intelligence quotient 的縮寫。

  2. reveals a major new study: 一項主要的新研究顯示。這是一個倒裝句,主語是a major new study,謂語是reveals。第三段出現(xiàn)的“says Michael Nilsson”和第五段出現(xiàn)的“says Maria Aberg”也是同一類型的倒裝句。

  3. Sahlgrenska Academy:瑞典哥德堡大學(xué)健康科學(xué)研究院

  4. the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS):美國國家科學(xué)院學(xué)報

  5. But it is only fitness that plays a role in the results for the IQ test: “it is…that”是強調(diào)式句子結(jié)構(gòu),被強調(diào)的部分是only fitness。強調(diào)前的句子是But only fitness plays a role in the results for the IQ test.” 。 第四段中出現(xiàn)的“it is primarily environmental factors and not genes that explain the link between fitness... ”也屬強調(diào)式句子結(jié)構(gòu)。

  6. This being the case:倘若情況果真如此,因此

  7. must:用作名詞,意思是“必須”。

  8. national service:兵役,國民服役


  1. A. carefully. B. secretly. C. likely. D. happily

  2. A. answers. B. works. C. scores. D. results

  3. A. behind. B. between. C. among. D. without

  4. A. logical. B. critical. C. typical. D. positive

  5. A. place. B. game. C. role. D. trick

  6. A. capacity. B. disease. C. shape. D. treatment

  7. A. change. B. hydrogen. C. oxygen. D. memory

  8. A. what. B. why. C. how. D. where

  9. A. exercise. B. training. C. strength. D. movement

  10. A. able. B. clever. C. lucky. D. clear

  11. A. moderate. B. average. C. lower. D. higher

  12. A. ignore. B. improve. C. like. D. determine

  13. A. examination. B. labor. C. movement. D. education

  14. A. before. B. after. C. without. D. during

  15. A. marriage. B. life. C. residence. D. service


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